San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson recently presented three cadets from the David Lee "Tex" Hill Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol in San Marcos the Billy Mitchell Award.
Cadet 2nd Lieutenants Lincoln Brewer, Connor Hawkins and Jeremiah Wood received the award from Hughson at a ceremony at the squadron building adjacent to the San Marcos Airport.
The Mitchell Award marks completion of Phase II of the CAP Cadet Program, recognizing sustained excellence in all four areas of cadet life: leadership, aerospace, fitness, and character. It marks the end of the enlisted phase of the cadet program when cadets are promoted to Cadet Second Lieutenants upon receipt and, by extension, Cadet Officers. Further, Mitchell cadets must have passed comprehensive examinations on leadership and aerospace topics and have completed a weeklong encampment immersing them in a challenging Core Values and Stem environment. The award is given in honor of Maj Gen William "Billy" Mitchell, former Deputy Chief of the Army Air Service and military aviation visionary.
The U.S. Air Force respects Mitchell Award recipients’ accomplishments. Mitchell cadets who enlist in the Air Force enter the service at the advanced grade of E-3, Airman First Class. The service also looks favorably upon Mitchell cadets when evaluating AFROTC and Academy applicants. Mitchell cadets are also eligible for various CAP scholarships and CAP special activity opportunities.
San Marcos Councilmember Shane Scott, CAP Lt. Col. Stan Trull, Texas Wing Director of Cadet Programs and CAP capt. Mauricio Urquiola also participated in the ceremony. Deputy Commander for Cadets, San Marcos CAP Squadron. Cadet 2nd Lt. Sarah Janicki served as the Master of Ceremonies for the event.
The David Lee "Tex" Hill Composite Squadron meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. at the San Marcos Airport, 1915 Airport Drive in San Marcos. Prospective cadets, ages 12-18, and their parents are always welcome. Adults seeking volunteer opportunities are invited as well. For more information about the squadron and CAP, visit the squadron website at