The Hays County Food Bank has partnered with Cypress Creek Church for a new scheduled distribution in Wimberley. The food bank updated its distribution schedule at the beginning of September and will continue on that schedule through the end of 2021.
Social distancing is still in effect and masks are encouraged at each distribution.
According to 2020 Census data, Wimberley has a 12% poverty rate. When the surrounding Wimberley Valley community is included, the poverty rate increases. Nearly 30% of students that attend Wimberley ISD are considered economically disadvantaged, according to the food bank.
HCFB and Cypress Creek Church will provide food at no cost to those in need, through scheduled drive-thru distributions from 5-5:45 p.m. on Sept. 8, Oct. 6, Nov. 3 and Dec. 1. The Cypress Creek Church is located at 211 Stillwater St. in Wimberley. HCFB and Cypress Creek Church encourage attendees to pre-register at Registration is not required but helps distribution move more quickly.
San Marcos:
The San Marcos distribution on Monday has changed to a drive-thru distribution and moved to the parking lot of the San Marcos Public Library, 625 E. Hopkins St. The distribution takes place from 5-5:45 p.m. Clients will enter from the San Marcos Public Library side of the parking lot and exit through the San Marcos Activity Center parking lot.
Kyle and Buda:
The walk-up distribution on Tuesday is at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, 801 N. Burleson in Kyle from noon to 12:45 p.m. The Thursday drive-through distribution in Buda is located at Connection Church, 1235 S. Loop 4 from noon to 12:45 p.m.

In order to receive food assistance, one must meet one of the following criteria:
- Have a household income at or below the 185% of the Federal Poverty Level.
- Participate in one of the following government assistance programs:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), National School Lunch Program (free or reduced school meals), Medicaid, or have a temporary food emergency such as a loss of job, loss of sole provider, disaster, etc.
For walk-up distribution, clients must provide their own boxes or bags and form an orderly line. Only one person per household is allowed in the pick-up line. No line jumping or joining friends or family who are already in line is allowed.
For drive-thru distribution, clients must clear an area in the trunk of their car or bed of their truck for food before arriving at a distribution, form an orderly line in the marked area of the parking lot and follow all directions of staff members or distribution leaders. Clients must pop their trunk when it is their turn, or the food bank will place food on the hood of the vehicle if the trunk cannot open. Once the food is on the hood, the client can get out and put the items in their car once the team member has stepped away. Team members will not put anything in the interior of client vehicles.