San Marcos City Council is set to vote on an updated development code in their Tuesday meeting.
The new code includes amendments that were recommended by the Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Committee, the Housing Task Force, the Historic Preservation Commission and city staff through a process that began in March of 2019.
The amendments include changes to application processing and requirements, block perimeter standards, right-of-way dimensional standards, building type definitions, Neighborhood Density District zoning regulations and Character District zoning regulations.
It will add a new Special Events Facility use and update multifamily parking standards, accessory dwelling units and detention and water quality requirements for plats of four residential lots or less.
It will also update detention requirements outside the Urban Stormwater Management District, delineation of water quality and buffer zones and channel design for water quality zone reclamation.
It will also adopt the International Residential Code, which appendix establishes certain standards for tiny houses.
In other business, councilmembers will vote on 15 polling places for the Nov. 3 election including four early voting locations.
They will also vote on setting the tax rate for the 2020 Tax Year at 59.30 cents on each $100 of taxable property value.
Related to COVID-19, councilmembers will discuss temporarily reducing sewer surcharges for commercial utility customers during the pandemic.
They will also consider creating an Ad Hoc Council committee to review San Marcos Police Department’s use of force policy.
The council will consider updating the San Marcos Convention and Visitor Bureau website for $102,700. They will also consider approving a five-year contract with Axon Enterprises Inc. for audio visual equipment and supplies for $1,817,375.
They may approve a one year contract with Easter Seals-Central Texas for vegetation control, debris removal and landscape maintenance.
Councilmembers will also hold a public hearing for comments related to increasing rates for water, wholesale water, reclaimed water, wastewater treatment and sewer surcharges.