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Branson Fairbrother, left, and Adrian Perez with some of the roomfuls of clothing they have collected for other victims of Friday’s fatal fire. Daily Record photos by Denise Cathey

Their first impulse was to help

Fire Victims
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Branson Fairbrother was among an unknown number of people who lost all their belongings in the fatal fire at Iconic Village and Vintage Pad apartments early last Friday, but he’s not dwelling on it.

Instead, Fairbrother, along with friend and roommate Adrian Perez, have been spearheading a donation drive in an attempt to turn their loss into an opportunity to help.

The two were in the process of moving to a house across the street, Fairbrother said, but hadn’t actually moved much stuff. “We packed everything in our living room. It was all gone,” he said.

Before the day was out, the pair had set up tables in their new yard and were distributing clothing, toiletries and household items in a free store for fire victims.

“I wanted nobody to feel like they were alone,” he said on Monday. “I had so much help myself I had to pass it on. Myself and my roommates don’t need this much stuff — we are really grateful and honestly, very lucky people right now.”

Branson Fairbrother (left) and Adrian Perez with clothing and household items they have collected and are offering free to fire victims.

That despite the fact that Fairbrother, a member of the band Wezner, lost musical instruments and more in the fast-moving fire. “I lost the thousand dollar amp I bought three weeks ago, I lost my 1989 Fender Stratocaster electric guitar,” as well as another much-loved guitar, other amplifiers and a drum set. His apartment had frequently been the band’s practice space, he said.

“All of those are things. I’m going to get them back,” he said. “People lost their lives — I can’t complain.” 

The house they still intend to move into is literally filled with donated clothing and other items. They don’t need more donated clothing but are accepting cash, checks and gift cards. “We have tons of toiletries and a lot of water and some furniture up for grabs,” he said. “We’re trying to reach out to other residents to let them know we can help. A lot of people have asked to donate furniture to help furnish their next places.”

The two have also set up a Facebook page.

San Marcos Record

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