The Heritage Society of San Marcos will host a Mardi Gras Martini Happy Hour and Silent Auction on Thursday, Feb. 8, from 5 - 7 p.m. at the Historica Hays County Courthouse located at 111 E. San Antonio St.
The event will feature martinis and assorted libations, appetizers, jazz music and a chance to bid on items at the silent auction. All proceeds from the auction will benefit the Heritage Association of San Marcos, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich heritage of the city and perpetuating traditions that beautify and enrich community life within San Marcos.
Tickets are $20 per person and available online at HeritageSanMarcos. org, or $25 per person at the door.
To donate to the silent auction, contact event organizer Renee Graham at to arrange delivery of donated items. Donors will need to fill out a donation form and provide a description and value of the donated items.
Join us for a festive evening of fun and fundraising at the historic Hays Courthouse in downtown San Marcos. Enjoy delicious martinis as well as assorted libations, appetizers, jazz music, and a chance to bid on fabulous items at our silent auction. All proceeds will benefit the Heritage Association of San Marcos, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich heritage of our beautiful city and perpetuating the traditions that beautify and enrich the community life of San Marcos, Texas.