Now that we have returned from our trip to New Zealand, where we successfully hiked into Mordor, we are ready to take a weekend to rest and tend to a few tasks around the house. First order of business: Plants. Thankfully, the Hays County Master Gardeners Association is holding its annual Spring plant and tree sale through this Sunday, with in-person sales at the Budaful Farmers Market (204 San Antonio Street) and the Buda Downtown Gazebo and Greenbelt (319 Main Street). The plants they sell are locally-grown, climate-appropriate plants that thrive in our environment. Though we live in an apartment, my third-floor patio garden is a source of joy all year, and I’m eager to add to this little paradise with a few new plants this Sunday. In addition to face-to-face plant sales, HCMGA also hosts an online sale at Online shoppers can pick up their plants in Buda during the in-person event.