Editor’s Note: This is a preliminary article. For the full version, check the Daily Record website tomorrow.
The San Marcos City Council received a staff presentation on the Blanco Gardens Neighborhood Area Plan at the regularly scheduled meeting tonight.
Brittany Faulkner, San Marcos senior planning technician, said the city hosted five steering committee meetings. The steering committee was made up of residents from the plan area. There was a survey monkey provided to the steering committee at the completion of the meetings. Information about the meetings was sent to all residents of the area. The city hosted two community workshops. Faulkner said over 300 comments were received and incorporated. Post cards were sent out to residents to let them know about the adoption of the area plan.
Faulkner said one of the desires of the community members was to feel safe while walking and biking in the neighborhood. The city is going to consider safety improvements at the areas where collisions are most likely between pedestrians, bikers and vehicles. The city is also considering the creation of a walking loop trail with signage and wayfinding measures to point those out. A priority route was identified by the community.
There was also a neighborhood characteristic study to ensure all changes were consistent with the current character of Blanco Gardens.
The schedule of plan adoption is as follows:
- At 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 22, there will be a Neighborhood Meeting at K.A.D. Store.
- At 6 p.m. on Feb. 11, there will be a Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing.
- At 6 p.m. on March 4, there will be a City Council Public Hearing with no action.
- At 6 p.m. on March 18, there will be a second and final reading before the council.
The virtual project story map with more information can be found at https://arcg.is/0ryPzW.