December is finally here and cooler weather has made it nice for runners. It is easier to put on a few extra clothes to stay warm during a run than try to stay cool on a hot summer day. There are two fun runs for runners in the coming weeks that help create that Christmas spirit. The first is Saturday, Dec. 14, for the Jingle Bell 5K. The Jingle Bell 5K is considered the largest run in San Marcos with up to 800 to 900 runners. It has always been associated with the Sights and Sounds celebration that draws people from all over the state. Without Sights and Sounds to attract people and runners, it will be interesting to see how large the turnout will be.
The run has been held every year since 1988. There were some runs that had close to 400 runners heading down San Antonio Street and finishing at the courthouse. The start is now at the entrance to City Park and still follows most of the old route. A couple of things have changed that make the run a fun run. One item is it seems more runners are dressing up in Christmas colors and several Santa Claus outfits will be in the crowd. There have been a few Mrs. Claus runners also. I think over half of the entrants are walkers enjoying the Christmas spirit with a group of costumed runners and dogs and strollers. I have seen a few runners dressed as one of Santa’s elves with the curled-up toe shoe in the crowd. Last year was the first year I have not been involved with the run and watched as a bystander on the corner of my block. From that perspective I would say that the runners had to be the happiest runners I have ever seen. There were lots of smiles and greetings from runners as they passed by. Registration is still open to be part of the fun event. The next week gives you time to get your running outfit ready to put on and stand out in the crowd.
The second run is the Christmas Lights Run sponsored by the San Marcos Runners Club on Thursday, the Dec. 19. This is not a race but a fun run to see the homes all decorated with lights and yard decorations. Since the main object of the run is to look at the decorated homes, a slower pace is usually practiced and an occasional stop to look at a house that has gone all out with decorations. Runners are encouraged to tie jingle bells on their shoes and to dress up in holiday costumes. I don’t know if the practice of awarding the best holiday costume to the runner that signifies Christmas spirit is still practiced, but show up and find out. I remember David Alexander would drive around the nearby neighborhoods looking for the best decorated homes. He produced a map of the course for the runners to see the most decorated homes. The one change from the year’s past is the run will start at Zelick’s Bar instead of the courthouse square. You do not have to be a member of the Runner’s Club to run.
Over the years there have been skate boards, inline skates and bikes as part of the event. Since the run is in the early evening and it is dark outside, runners are encouraged to wear reflective clothes, light belts or vests and carry a flashlight. I imagine with the trend for electric scooters, skate boards and bikes, there will be a few of those as well. Just remember that a runner with shoes on their feet has priority on the course. Those on other means of transportation need to be very aware of the actual runners. I did inline skates one year, and the caution there is having a flashlight to shine in front of you to prevent hitting a pothole, crack in the road or a rock. Hitting something like that on roller blades isn’t fun. Then the practice of meeting someplace to socialize with food and drink and talk over the run is a fitting way to end the evening.
As far as I know, this Lights Run has been going on for many years. There are two that stand out; One was on a very cold miserable night. I showed up thinking nobody would be at the courthouse. But Darrell Rhodes and Rose Berglund were there, and we did the run to keep the tradition going. The second memorable run was a chilly, rainy night. Who would want to run in the cold rain to see Christmas lights on houses? About eight runners showed up. The part that makes it stand out is all of us went to a restaurant afterwards to eat and warm up. With wet dripping clothes and soggy shoes, we apologized to the owner about leaving the seats and floor wet with water. He was very gracious about it, and it was one of those runs that those that ran will remember. Have fun and get the jingle bells tied to your shoes.