Tantra had musical performances by Chief and Thedoomsdaydevice, Honeybunny and Tetsuo on Friday. The venue has said on its social media that it could be the last live performances held there if there are no modifications made to the decibel limit on their Conditional Use Permit at the San Marcos City Council meeting today; the item is listed on the council agenda. Above, Honeybunny performing. The band is a whimsical mix of angelic vocals and beachy punk music. Left, Chief and Thedoomsdaydevice rapping for the large crowd. Below, Bridgette Sanchez, Honeybunny’s lead singer, setting up the band’s merch table. Bottom left, Mackenzie Childs, Jolissa Mayorga and Charlie Garner were seated on the porch watching the show. Bottom right, Michelle Danos and Emily Blake enjoying some coffee and tunes. Daily Record photos by Shannon West
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