The Wimberley Players opens up the world of theatre to children with the 2nd annual First Stage Theatre Camp. In this three-day camp for kids aged 8 to 12, participants can peek behind the curtain into the dynamic and rewarding world of theatre.
Held at the Wimberley Playhouse, the workshop will inform campers how theatre originated, demonstrate the way a theater’s space is used, and show by what means a production comes to life through the collaboration of multiple disciplines and artists. Kids will gain sound theatre training in a structured, fun-filled atmosphere and learn confidence, ways to express themselves, and the skills to work patiently and respectfully with each other. By engaging in interactive activities, games and crafts, kids will learn the role that actors, di-rectors, stage managers, lighting and sound technicians, along with set, costume, and sound designers create a theatrical production. Leading the First Stage Theatre Camp is Sydney Simpson. She is an actress, music director, and certified voice teacher and vocal coach.
Children will bring their own lunches. Snacks and water are included in the workshop which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. For additional details, registration, and payment information, go to Cost is $99 for the 3-day workshop and participation is limited to 16 students. The deadline to register is Aug. 1. For more information, call 512-847-0575. The Wimberley Players is located at 450 Old Kyle Road, in Wimberley.