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Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 3:10 PM

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

On March 16th, City Council is having a workshop on the renewal of the Lions Club lease. I would like to share with the public some information and thoughts as Chair of the Parks Board.

First let me make clear — the Parks Board Recommendation says nothing about getting rid of the Lions tube rental business. They know this because Lions Club members sat through all of our meetings. Then why are they promoting lies about our intentions? They are calling on everyone they've given money to and asking them to spread the lie. How insulting to a board of volunteering citizens who are only trying to do what they think is best for our city. Shame on them.

The Parks Board has passed four recommendations to city council, all of which strive to make more money for the Parks Department which functions at approximately 14% cost recovery. That means for every dollar the department spends, they get back 14 cents from memberships and fees for renting park pavilions and meeting rooms for example. The rest mostly comes from your taxes. These fees and memberships had not been raised in about a decade. Consequently, one of our recommendations, which was adopted by council, increased these fees, including rental of city property by nonprofits. What was left out was the Lions Club contract so it seemed only fair that we examine this.

I was astonished to learn the city has never obtained financial information from an organization that runs a business on our property. Various Parks Boards have tried to get this information for years. Why would a service organization that is so proud of its philanthropy be so reluctant to be transparent? The Lions make over $1 million per year on their tube rental business, however, only about a third of this is given back to community organizations. Where does the rest of the money go? This needs to be further scrutinized

The Lions Club pays only $900/month for rent. We recommend that this be increased. How many of you pay more than that in rent? For riverfront property? Running a million dollar business?

I am asking that the city extend the current lease for one year so they can fully investigate this relationship and make sure WE, the citizens of San Marcos, are getting a fair deal for renting OUR property.

Again, nobody is trying to get rid of the Lions Club. I personally think they are the best choice for a tube rental business here. We are just trying to do what's best for ALL citizens of San Marcos, not just those they give money to.

Diane Phalen,

San Marcos

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter in favor of the Lions Tube Rental. I was very upset and disappointed that the Parks and Rec Board would want to limit this nonprofit that benefits our community and that the city council would even consider it.

The Lions Club contributes over $300,000 dollars back into our community supporting numerous organizations. I am very involved with the Capitol Area Council for the Boys Scouts of America and they have donated to our Friends of Scouting campaign for many years. This ensures that the Boy Scout program will be strong in San Marcos, so that the boys and girls can learn to live by the tenants of scouting: A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. These are characteristics that we should exemplify and live by; therefore, the City of San Marcos needs to be helpful and loyal by supporting the Lions Club.

In addition, I have two sons that have personally benefited from the Lions Tube Rental. They both received two-year scholarships to help offset the cost of college. This was truly a wonderful way to reward my sons and other students for their hard work and dedication to school, as well as their volunteer service.

Above are just two examples of the Lions Club giving back to our community over and over again. By supporting the Lions Tube Rental service, the city is showing their support, that they too are behind our community and want to do what's best for the citizens of San Marcos. Sometimes it is always not about the almighty dollar, but what is best for all. The funds raised from the rental tube service are given back to our citizens through multiple community endeavors. What a wonderful way for the city and its elected officials to show their eleemosynary spirit.

Respectively Submitted,

Ellen Tellepsen Kirkpatrick Cult

San Marcos

Dear Editor,

As time goes by and our San Marcos community moves forward into our future, I understand that we will all have to face changes in one way or another.

Change can be positive or negative, and what could seem positive in some minds may actually have very negative results as those changes take place.

The recent thoughts of the Parks and Rec board to not recommend a renewal of the lease with the Lions Club of San Marcos for the Lions Tube Rental, if moved forward, would be a change that would be disastrous to many here in our hometown community. Based on the board’s proposal, I believe that members of that board must not truly understand what the heart of a service organization is based on — Service to others. I am not a member of the Lions Club. I am a lifelong resident of San Marcos and have been a member of Rotary here in San Marcos for many years. I have physically viewed the gift that these organizations provide to others.

The Lions do not rent tubes to make themselves wealthy. Their efforts are to create funds for their neighbors, the citizens of San Marcos.

As I write these words, my hope is that our community leaders understand this and that they chose to support the Lions Club so that the Lions Club can in turn support others.

Respectfully yours,

Clay Sullivan,

San Marcos


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